One can only begin to imagine the heart-breaking brutality of life on the streets for a young child in India.  Every day brings a life-and-death struggle for food;  every night a life-and-death struggle for safety and survival.  One man, Ravi Rai, cared enough to put his secure life in Singapore on hold, and to return to his native India with the intention of helping maybe 25 under-privileged children.  Twenty-Four years later, he is still in India, running 5 children’s homes, providing shelter, food, clothing, medical care, schooling and a loving family environment to more than 200 street-children.  The results that he gets from these deeply-damaged children is nothing short of a miracle.  A visit to one of the homes is to be rendered almost speechless by the openness, playfulness and love of these sweet children who have next to nothing by Western standards.  Any help that you can provide would be gratefully received and put to the greatest use – the nurturing of innocent kids dealt a very tough hand in this life.

Click to learn more about Children of Mother EarthAbout Us

Children of Mother Earth (CoME) takes impoverished street-children into our homes and provides them with food, medical treatment, emotional support, education and a beautiful family of loving brothers and sisters. We are a charitable, not-for-profit Society with Governing Body members and Society members, all of whom provide their services voluntarily.  Learn more.

Click to learn more about our homes for under-privileged childrenOur Centres

We operate four low-cost centres in the central northern region of India. Places for three centres were donated by the Railways to help Ravi help the street-children who live in and around railway stations. All the three were actually disused railway structures. How ironic that street-children should discover a bright future in a recycled railway structure!  Learn more

Click to read how we transform children's livesThe Children

Every child living on the street has a heart-breaking story to tell.  The level of hardship and trauma that these children endure may shock you, but it will also inspire you.  Our objective is to bring a happy healthy life and a bright future to these innocent kids.

Read how we transform children’s lives.

Maybe you can help us to do this?

Click for an overview of what we doOur Programs

As well as running and maintaining the Homes for the children, and providing the daily needs of the children, we also do Outreach work in the community, including Child Rights Advocacy, and assist with restoring street-children with their families (where appropriate).

Overview of all our Programs.

Click to read about how you can help usPlease Help

Children of Mother Earth runs grassroots childrens’ Homes with love and efficiency, where your every dollar reaches the children and the staff who care for them.

Almost all of your generous donation or sponsorship of a child goes to the children because our overheads are minuscule by world standards. Read more.

Click to see the full articleAwards & Recognitions

In 2017, our Chairman Ravi  Rai was presented with the Sari Ratna Award by Shree Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of the state of Uttar Pradesh, in appreciation of the humanitarian work done by Children of Mother Earth in the state.  Ravi, the children and staff of CoME thank all our wonderful donors and sponsors from the bottom of our hearts for making this award possible. See More

Click to read the full articleSuccess Story

In 2012, 5 out of 6 of our students passed their O levels and 2 out of 3 passed their pre-university exams. Read Ravi’s heart-touching story of one proud mother’s excitement at her son’s achievements:


“It was 47 degree Celsius and I had no car. The only option I had was to travel by our scooter. The wind was strong and the waves of heat were testing my spirit…”



Click to learn more about the AcademyCoME Academy

The Academy is a major part of our vision for the future of the Children of Mother Earth.

Our  Academy will provide one-year Certificate Courses for vocations such as:

  • Hospitality
  • Customer Service
  • Information Technology
  • Trades such as Plumbing
  • Health Care

The search is on for some land in Delhi for generous donations that will make the Academy possible.

Learn more

Click to read the latest postings on our BlogNews/Events Blog

Every few days, we post the latest news from Children of Mother Earth onto our blog – information about the children, their achievements, awards, celebrations and heart-rending stories of painful pasts, and hope for a brighter future.

Check out our Blog. And if a particular story touches you, please leave a comment.

Annual Report FY15/16

This year was the 17th year of our operations in India, and the 11th year of our collaboration with the Indian Railway.  With a lot of hard work, and the generous support of our donors,  exciting progress has been made in the last year.  Read about progress in our latest Annual Report